Selasa, 15 April 2008
Review Web Site
Situs ebay merupakan situs yang memfasilitasi perdagangan dalam dunia maya. Sasaran visitors situs ini adalah mereka yang ingin membeli berbagai keperluan namun tidak memiliki waktu untuk mencarinya secara on line.
Situs ini menawarkan berbagai macam produk diantaranya Antiques, Art, Baby, Books, Business & Industrial, Cameras & Photo, Cars, Boats, Vehicles& Parts, Cell Phones & PDAs, Clothing, Shoes & Accessories, Coins & Paper, Money, Collectibles, Computers & Networking, Consumer, Electronics, Crafts, Dolls & Bears, DVDs & Movies, Entertainment, Memorabilia, Gift , Certificates, Health & Beauty, Home & Garden, Jewelry & Watches, Music, Musical, Instruments, Pottery & Glass, Real Estate, Specialty Services, Sporting, Goods, Sports Mem, Cards & Fan, Shop, Stamps, Tickets, Toys & Hobbies, Travel, Video, Games, Everything, Else, Giving, Works.
Ada dua yang berkepentingan di dalam situs ini, yaitu penjual dan pembeli. Bagi penjual yang ingin menawarkan produknya di ebay, mereka harus melakukan bebrapa hal sebagai berikut :
- Memutuskan apa yang akan dijual
- Persiapan untuk melakukan penjualan
- Mendaftar apa yang akan dijual
- Temukan top tips
- Menyelesaikan penjualan.
Sedangkan untuk para pembeli, mereka dapat melakukan lima hal, yaitu :
- Temukan item barang yang akan dibeli.
- Pelajari mengenai produk yang akan dibeli, jangan sampai menyesal pasca pembelian.
- Me-review feedback si penjual.
- Menawar atau langsung membeli produk tersebut.
- Melakukan pembayaran melalui e-banking.
Baik penjual maupun pembeli, harus melakukan registrasi dengan ’meng-Sign in’ pada kolom yang telah disediakan.
Situs ini merupakan situs yang menyedikan informasi atau berita baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. merupakan bagian group MNC. Visitors situs ini merupakan orang-orang yang membutuhkan informasi terkini, karena pada situs ini informasi bisa datang tidak dalam hitungan hari tapi dalam hitungan jam bahkan hitungan menit.
Di dalam situs ini terdapat berbagai kategori informasi, seperti Internasional, economy, lifestyle, celebrity, sport, auto, foto, tokoh, politik dan sebagainya. Kategori di atas, dibagi lagi menjadi berbagai sub kategori. Misalnya pada kategori sport dibagi menjadi sebelas katogori, yaitu home, sepakbola, basket, F1, motoGP, tenis, bulu tangkis, tinju, sport lain, foto dan indeks. Begitupun dengan kategori informasi lainnya memiliki sub kategori yang sesuai dengan bidang kategori tersebut.
Apabila visitors menginginkan informasi mengenai rubrik sport, maka visitors tersebut tinggal meng-klik rubrik sport dan klik sub kategorinya. Bagi pengunjung yang membutuhkan informasi dan mengunjungi situs ini, tidak dikenakan biaya.
Situs penerjemahan buatan australia ini menyediakan layanan penerjemahan teks bahasa Inggris ke bahasa indonesia atau sebaliknya. Dengan sistem berbasis on line situs ini membantu para translator menerjemahkan kata per kata atau frasa secara cepat. Tak perlu repot membawa kamus situs ini dapat membantu para translator tingkat pemula hingga mahir. Namun situs ini hanya memberikan layanan penerjemahan dua bahasa saja, inggris dan indonesia.
Dengan tampilan sederhana, para pengguna akan disuguhi layanan Free Kataku, Kataku Pay-As-You-Go, Kataku Accounts, Human Translation, Natural Language Engineering, Localisation, English Editing dan Post-editing. Menyediakan layanan gratis hingga membayar beberapa dollar untuk penerjemahan secara profesional, situs ini dapat direkomendasikan sebagai situs penerjemahan pilihan dengan tampilan sederhana. User tak perlu mendaftar sebagai anggota untuk menggunakan layan fasilitas situs ini. Hanya dengan membuka alamat situs ini, user dapat langsung menggunakan jasa layanan penerjemahan ini secara cuma – cuma.
Wikipedia adalah ensiklopedia multibahasa dalam jaringan internet yang disusun agar dapat dibaca dan disunting oleh siapa pun juga. Isinya ditulis secara bersama-sama oleh para penggunanya. Sponsor
Wikipedia diawasi dan didukung oleh Yayasan Wikimedia, sebuah lembaga nirlaba.Keistimewaan Wikipedia adalah selain menyajikan informasi yang biasa ditemui di dalam sebuah ensiklopedia, ia juga memuat artikel-artikel yang biasanya ditemukan di dalam almanak, majalah spesialis, dan topik-topik berita yang masih hangat.
Wikipedia berawal sebagai projek sampingan Nupedia, ensiklopedia bebas online yang artikelnya ditulis oleh para ahli. Larry Sanger, yang mendirikan Nupedia bersama Jimmy Wales, melontarkan ide mengenai ensiklopedia berbasis wiki pada 10 Januari 2001 di milis Nupedia [1]. Lima hari kemudian Wikipedia pun secara resmi diluncurkan.
Berikut ini beberapa karakteristik penting di dalam projek Wikipedia.
- Wikipedia adalah ensiklopedia utama.
- Wikipedia adalah sebuah wiki yang dapat diubah oleh setiap orang (kecuali untuk pengguna yang diblok dan pengecualian di halaman terlindung)
- Wikipedia mengandung isi bebas dan menggunakan copyleft Lisensi dokumentasi bebas GNU
Setiap orang yang ingin menggunakan isi bebas Wikipedia, kapan pun, dapat mengunduh artikel yang mendekati versi terbaru di dalam pangkalan data untuk tujuan bebas, dengan syarat LDBG.Beberapa lokasi, seperti Wikinfo, wordiq,, 4reference, dan nationmaster telah membuat salinan (mirroring) dan membuat 'data turunan' (forking) dari isi Wikipedia.
Isi Wikipedia dapat diciptakan oleh penggunanya. Pengunjung di Wikipedia juga dapat mengubah artikel, dan banyak yang melakukannya. Halaman-halaman selalu diubah, jadi, tidak ada artikel yang pernah selesai. Dan karena itu pula di Wikipedia sering terjadi "kesulitan" yang unik, lihat Wikipedia:Mengapa Wikipedia tidak begitu hebat. Tetapi ia pun memiliki sistem "penyembuhan sendiri" untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut, lihat Wikipedia:Balasan terhadap penolakan umum.
Salah satu wacana utama di dalam Wikipedia adalah "perusakan" atau vandalisme; kekonyolan atau menyinggung artikel situs ini. Ada banyak orang yang melakukannya hanya demi mendapatkan pengalaman mengubah halaman internet."Karena Wikipedia adalah proyek radikal yang bebas dan terbuka, ia menarik unsur anarkis," pengakuan Larry Sanger kepada Wired News. "Untungnya, banyak dari kita yang berkeinginan untuk bertahan terhadap perusakan... dan menyingkirkannya dengan segera."
Situs ini merupakan situs resmi F1 yang didalamnya menjelaskan mengenai ajang balap formula1, dimana Di dalam situs ini ditampilkan berita-berita lengkap dan terkini formula1. Selain itu, para pengunjung dapat melihat result balapan dan juga prediksi balapan yang akan datang.
Sasaran dari situs ini adalah para penggemar F1 yang menginginkan informasi mengenai balapan idola mereka. Situs ini dapat dikunjungi kapan saja dan tanpa biaya.
Adapun fasilitas yang bisa didapatkan dari situs ini selain dari pemberitaan mengenai balapan F1 adalah sebagai berikut :
- Deskripsi tentang race yang akan diambil
- Result
- Galery, yang didalamnya menyediakan foto-foto terbaru yang berhubungan dengan ajang balap formula1
- Deskripsi mengenai tim-tim yang berlaga di F1 juga biodata para pembalapnya
- Hal-hal yang ada di balik F1
- Dan layanan lainnya.
- Video singkat mengenai jalannya balapan F1 yang telah diselenggarakan
Selain itu, dari situs ini pengunjung dapat mengakses pembelian tiket nonton F1 di berbagai Negara penyelenggara. Adapula profile para pembalap dan apa saja yang telah terjadi pada mereka. Jadi, bagi para pengunjung yang melewatkan balapan di televise, maka mereka dapat mengunjungi situs ini karena tidak ada pemberitaan satu race pun yang terlewatkan dalam situs ini.
Selasa, 08 April 2008
This Chapter examines the internet and World Wide Web of Today and tomorrow, how it evolved, how it works, and how the present and futures infrastructure of the Internet and the web enables new business opportunities.
The word Internet is derived from the word internetwork of the connecting together of two or more connecting together of two or more computer networks. So, internet is an interconnected network of thousands of network and millions of computers linking business, educational institutions, government agencies, and individuals together.
World Wide Web (Web) is one of the Internets most popular service, providing acces to over 6 billion Web Pages, which are documents created in aprograming language called HTML and that can contain text, graphic, audio video, and other object, as well as “hyperlinks” that permit users to jump easily from one page another.
The Invation Phase, from 1975 to 1995, large institutions such as Departement of Defense and the National Science Foundation provided funding and legitimization for the fledging invention called the internet. Once the concept of the internet had been proven in several government-supported demonstration project then called ARPANET (Advance Reserch Project Agency Network). In 1986 , the National Science Foundation assumed responsibility for the development of the civilian Internet (then called NSFNet). In the third phase, the Commercialization Phase, from 1995 on the present government agencies encouraged private corporations to take over and expand both the Internet backbone and local services to ordinary citizens-families and individuals across Amerika and the world who were not students on campuses. By 2000, the internet’s use had expanded well beyond military installations and research universities.
Three extremely important concept that are the basis for understanding the internet :
1. Packet Switching
A method of slicing digital message into packets, sending the packets along different communication pats as they become available, and then ressembling the packet once they arrive at their destiitation.
2. TCP / IP
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is protocol that established the connections among sending and receiving Web computers, handles, the assembly of packets at the point of transmission, and their reassembly at the receiving end. Internet Protocol (IP) that provides the Internets addressing scheme. Protocol a set of rules for formatting, ordering, compressing, and error checking messages. IP Adress is internetadresses expressed as 32-bit numbers that appear as a series of four separate numbers marked off by period. IP address can be represented by natural language convention called domain names. The Domain Name System (DNS) allows expressions to stand for numeric IP address. Uniform Resource Locations (URLs), which are the addresses used by Web browsers to identify the location of content on the web, also use domain names as part of the URL.
3. Client / Server Computing
A model of computing in which very powerful personal computers are connected in a network together with one or more servers. Client a vary powerful personal computer that is part of a network. They are capable of displaying rich graphics, storing large files, and processing graphics and sound files. Sever is networked computer dedicated to common functions that the client computers on the network need, such as storing files, software applications, utility program such as Web connection, and printers.
There many other Internet protocols that provide services to users in the form of Internet applications that run on Internet client and servers.
A. HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocols)
The internet protocols used for transferring Web Pages
B. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocols)
The internet protocol used to send mail to server
C. PDP (Post Office Protocol)
A protocol used by the client to retrieve mail from an Internet Server.
D. IMAP (Internet Message Acces Protocol)
A more current email protocol that allows users to search, organize, and filter their mail prior to downloading it form the server.
E. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
One of the original Internet services. Part of the TCP/IIP protocol that permits users to transfer file from the server to their client computer, and vice versa.
F. SSL (Source Sockets Layer)
A Protocol that secures communications between the client and the server
G. Talnet
A terminal emulation program that runs in TCP/IP
H. Finger
A utility program supported by UNIX computers that tells who is logged in, how long they have been attacted, and their user name.
A program that allows you to check the connection between your client and the server
J. Tracert
One of several route tracing utilities that allow you to follow the path of a message you send from your client to a remote computer on the internet
The internet can be viewed conceptually as having four layers :
1. The Network technology substrate. The Network Teknology layer is composed of telecommunications networks and protocols.
2. Transport services and representation standards. The Transport layer houses the TCP / IP protocol.
3. Middleware services. Middleware is the glue that ties the applications to the communications networks, and includes such services as security, authentication, addresses, and storage repositories.
4. And applications
The network layers is described below :
The main physical elements of today’s internet. The internets backbone is formed by Network Service Providers (NSPs), which own and control the major networks composing the Internets backbone. Bandwidth meansure how much data can be transferred over a comunications medium within a fixed periode of time, and is usually expressed in bits per second (Bps), kilo bits per second (Kbps), Mega bits per secons (Mbps), or Giga bits per second (Gbps).
One of the hubs where the backbone intersect One of the hubs where the backbone intersect with regional and local networks, and where the backbone owners connect with one another.
Another name for one of the hubs where the backbone intersect with regional and local networks, and where the backbone owners connect with one another.
Generally local area networks operating within a single organization that leases access to the Web directly form regional and national carriers.
Firm that provides the lowest level of service in the multi-tiered Internet architecture by leasing Internet access to home owners, small busineses, and some large institutions. There are two types of ISP service : narrowband and broadband. Narrowband service is the traditional telephone modem connection now operating at 56.6Kbps. Broadband refers to any communication technology that permits clients to play streaming audio and video files at acceptable speeds-generally anything above 100 Kbps.
Intranet a TCP / IP network located within a single organization for purposes of communications and information processing. Extranet formed when firms permit outsiders to access their internal TCP / IIP networks.
Among a governing bodies of the internet are :
1. The internets Archotecture Board (IAB)
Help define the overall structure of the internet
2. IP Addresses, and the internet
Assigns domain names
3. The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG)
Oversees standard setting with respect to the internet
4. Agancies and non ptofit organization that monitors Internet policies and practices
5. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Sets HTML and other programming standards for the web.
Much of the internet’s current infrastructure is several decades old (equivalent to a century in Internet Tome). It suffers from a number of limitations, including :
1. Bandwidth Limitations.
2. Quality of services limitations
3. Network Architecture Limitations
4. Language Development Limitations
5. Wired Internet
Internet2 ia a consortium of more than 200 universities, government agencies, and private business tht are collaborating to find ways to make the internet more efficient.
The three primary goals of Internet2 are to :
1. Create a leading-edge very high-speed network capability for the national research community
2. Enable revolutionary Internet applications, and
3. Ensure the rapid transfer of new network services and applications to the broader internet community
Some of the areas Internet2 participants are focusing on in this persuit are :
1. Advaanced Network Infrastructure
The advanced networks creted and in use by Internet2 members provide the environment in which new technologies can be tested and enhanced.
2. New Networking Capabilities
Internet2 is identifying developing, and testing new networking services and technologies to provide the relation performance advanced applications require.
3. Middleware
Internet2 is developing new middleware capabilities. Reseraches are developing standardized middleware that incorporates identification, authentication, authorization, directory, and security services that today are often handled as a apart or applications running on the internet.
4. Advanced Applications
Internet2 work teams are collaborating on a number of advanced applications, including distributed computation, virtual laboratpries, digital libraries, distributing learning, tele-immersion, and syntehesis of all of these working in combination.
The federal Government recently concluded the NGI (Next Generation Internet) project, which focused on developing advanced applications and networking capabilities needed by US government agencies.
The most significant privately initiated changes are coming in two areas :
1. Fiber Optics trunk lines bandwidth and wireless internet services Fiber optics is concerned with the first mile or backbone Internet services that carry bulk traffic long distances.
2. Wireless Internet is concerned with the last mile-from the larger Internet to the user’s cell phone or laptop.
HORIZONTAL MARKET SERVICES | Service that apply across industries and firms |
Personalized Information | Stock value, news, quotes based on user profiles and needs |
Localized Content | Maps, hotel finders, movie location and times, and restaurant reviews |
Convenience Services | Photos, short movie, easy to use menus |
Banking Services | Balance checking, money transfer, bill payment, overdraft alerts |
Financial Services | Trading, stock alerts, interest rates based on user account information |
VERTICAL MARKET SERVICES | Services that apply within a firm or industry |
Sales Support | Stock and production information, remote orders, calendars and planning information |
Reservation Systems | Coordination of sales with inventory |
Dispatching | Communication of job details, parts information, repair routines |
Fleet Management | Control of fleet delivery or services staff ; monitoring locations and work schedule |
Parcel Delivery | Tracing of packages, queries, and performance monitoring |
· Mosaic : Web rowser with a graphical user interface (GUI) that made it possible to view documents on the web graphically
· Universal Computing : The sharing of files, information, graphics, sound, video, and other objects across all computer platforms in the world, regardless of operating system
· Netscape Navigator : the first commercial Web browser
· Internet Explorer 9IE) : Microsoft’s web browser
1. Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
An early version of Generalized Markup Language (GML)
2. Hyper Text Markup Languages (HTML)
One of the next generation of GMLs that is relatively easy to use in Web page design.
3. eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
A new markup language specification developed by the W3C (the World Wide Web Consortium) that is designed to describe data and information
Web server services is software that enables a computer to deliver Web pages written in HTML to client computers on a network that request this services by sending an HTTP request.
Aside from responding to request for Web pages, all Web services provide some additional basic capabilities such as the following :
1. Security Services
These consist mainly of authentication services that verify that the person trying to access the site is authorizrd to do so.
2. File transfer Protocol (FTP)
This protocol allows users to transfer files to and from the servers
3. Search Engine
When conducting a serach, a search engine makes use of an index, which is alist of all the documents on the servers
4. Data Capture
Web servers are also helpful at monitoring site traffic, capturing information on who has visited a ite, how long the user stayed there, the date and time of each visit, and which specific pages on the server were accessed.
The internet and the web have spawned a number of powerful new software applications uon which the foundations of e-commerce are built.
The most used application of the internet. Uses a series of protocols to enable message containing text, images, sound, and video clips to be transferred from one Internet user to another.
Displays words typed on a computer almost instantaneously. Recipiens can then respond immediately to the sender the same way, making the communication more like a live conversation than is possible through e-mail.
Identifies Web pages that appear to match keywords, also called queries, typed by the user and provides a list of the best matces.
Software programs, that gather and/or filter information, on a specific topic and then provide a list of result for the user.
Enables users to communicate via computer in real time, that is, simultaneously. Unlike IM, chat can occur among several users.
Enables music, video, and other large files to be sent to users in chunks so that when received and played, the file comes through uninterrupted
Tools used by Websites to store information about user. When a visitor enters a Web Site, the site sends a small text file (the cookie) to user’s computer so that information from the site can be loaded more quickly n futures visits. The cookie can contain any information desired by the site designers.
The internet II infrastructure will permit the rapid deployment of new services and greatly expand e-commerce opportunities. New technologies, increased bandwidth, and grater reliance on the internet for communications will create new e-commerce product and services opportunities and potentially replace exiting modes of communication. Telephone communication is one area destined for change.
A general term for the technologies that use VOIP and the Internet’s packet-switched network to transmit voice and other forms of audio communication over the internet. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is protocol that allows for transmission of voice and other forms of audio communication over the internet.
As bandwidth capabilities of the internet increase, distribution of software applications by Application Services Providers (ASPs) over the Internet is also expected to increase.
APSs can assist both in processing data and in strong it, dispersing it to multiple servers rather that having it reside on one.
Perhaps one of the biggest educational initiatives in recent years, the distance learning opportunity has pushed school, college, and universities worldwide to make cources and whole degree programs available online.
Digital video demand is considered by many to be the “killer app” for inyernet II. New video, audio and presentation approaches could dramatically change the nature of the media and news business.
Internet II will significantly reduce cost, making affordable for most workers to use video conferencing to share information that involves either an image or audio component.
One of the newest services to come onto the market will be teleimmersion, a merger of virtual reality and video conferencing, where participant can see each other and collaborate on visual project.
Combining voice, data, images, audio, and video on one wireless device will become possible during Internet II.
Minggu, 06 April 2008
4.1. Building an E-commerce web site : a Systematica Approach
Building a succesful e-commerce site is a complex endeavor that requires a keen understanding of business, technology, and social issues, as well as a systematic approach. In many firms today, e-commerce is just too important to be left totally to technolgists and programmers.
The two most important management challenges in buiding a successful e-commerce site are :
a. Developing a clear understanding of your business objectives and
b. Knowing how to choose the right technology to achieve those objectives
Pieces of the site-building puzzle
First, you must be aware of the main areas where you will need to mak decisions. You will also need to make decisions about your site’s hardware, software, and telecomunications infrastructure. While you will have technical advisors help ou make these decisions, ultimately the operation of the site is your customers should drive your choices of technology. Your customers will want technology that enables them to find what they want easily, view the product, purchase the product, and then receive the prodct from your warehouse quickly. You will also have to carefully consider your site’s design. Once you have identified the key decision areas, you will need to think about plan for the project.
Planning : The System Development Life Cycle
Your second step in building an e-commerce site will be creating a plan document.
The system development life cycle (SDLC) is a methodology for understanding the business obective of any system and designing an approprite solution. The SDLC method also helps in creating documents that communicate to senior management the objective of the site, important milestones, and the uses of resources. The five major steps involved in the system development life cycle for an e-commerce site are :
1. System analysis / planning
2. System design
3. Building the system
4. Testing
5. Implementation
1. System Analysis / Planning
The system analysis / planning step of the SDLC tries to answers the question, “What do we want the e-commerce site to do?”. One way to start is to identify the specific business objectives for your site, and then develop a list of system functionalities and information rquirements. Business objectives are simply a list capabilities you want your site to have. System functionalities are a list of the types of information systems capabilities you will need to achieve your business objectives. The information requirements for a system are the information elements that the system must produce in order to achieve the business objectives.
2. System Design : Hardware and software platforms
You can begin to cosider just how all this functionality will be delivered. You must come up with a system design specification-a dscription of the main components in a system and their relationship to one another. The system design itself can be broken down into two components : a logical design and a phisical design.
v A logical design includes a data flow diagram that describes the flow of information at your e-commerce site, the product essing function that must be performed, and the database that will be used.
v A phisical design translates the logical design into phisical design.
3. Building the system : in house versus outsourcing
There are many choice in here. They range from outsourcing everything (including the actual systems analysis and design) to building everything in-house. Outsourcing means that you will hire an outside vendor to provide the services involved in building the site that you can not perform with in house personnel.
If you elect to build your own site, you will need a multi skilled staff of programmers, graphic artists, web designers, and managers. You will also have to select and purchase hardware and software tools.
4. Testing the system
Once the system has been built and programmed, you will have to angage in a testing process. Testing is required whether the system is outsourced or built in house. A complex e-commerce site can have thousands of pathways through the site, each of which must be documented and then tested. Unit testing involves testing the site as a whole, in the same way a typical user would when using the site. Because there is no truly “typical” user, system testing requires that every conceivable path be tested. Final acceptance testing requires that the firm’s key personnel and managers in marketing, production, sales and general management actually use the system as installed on a test internet or intranet server.
5. Implementation and maintenance
Most people unfamiliar with systems erroneusly think that once information system is installed, the process is over. In fact, while the beginning of the process is over, the operational life of a system is just beginning. System break down for a variety of reasons-most of them unpredictable. Therefore, they need continual checking, testing, and repair. Systems maintenance is vital, but sometimes not budgeted for.
Other important tasks of the web team include benchmarking (a speed, quality of layout, and design) and keeping the site current on pricing and promotions. The web is a cmpetitive environment where you can very rapidly frustrate and lose customers with a dysfuntional site (see insight on technology : buying some thing you can’t see).
4.2. Choosing Server Software
What are able to do at an e-commerce site is largely a function of the software. As a business manager in charge of building the site, you will need to know some basic information about e-commerce software. In this section, we will describe the software needed to operate a contemporary e-commerce site.
Simple versus multi-tiered web site architecture
Web site software was appropriately quite simple-it consisted of a server computer running basic web server software. We might call this arrangement a single-tier system architecture. System architecture referss to the arrangement of software, machinery, and task in an information system needed to the achieve a specific functionality.
Two-tier architecture is e-commerce system architecture in which a web server respond to request for web pages and a database server provides backend data storage. Multi-tier architecture is e-commerce system architecture in which the web server is linked to a middle-tier layer that typically includes a series of application servers that perform specific tasks as well as to backend layer of existing corporate systems.
Web server software
Basic functionality provided by web servers :
Functionality | Description |
Processing of HTTP requests | Receive and respond to client requests for HTML pages |
Security service | Verity usename and password; process certificates and private/public key information required for credit card processing and other secure information |
File transfe protocol | Permits transfer of very large files from server t server |
Search engine | Indexing of site content; keyword serch capaility |
Data capture | Log file of all visits, time, duration, and referral source |
E-mail | Ability to send, receive, and store e-mail messages |
Site management tools | Calculate and display key site statistics, such as unique visitors, page requests, and origin of requests; check links on pages |
Dynamic page generation tools
Once the most important innovations in web site operation has been the development of dynamic page generation tools. Dynamics page genaration is the coctents of a web page are stored as objects in a database, rather than being hard-coded in HTML. When the user requests a web page, the contents for that page are then fetched from the database.
Application servers
Web application servers are software programs that provide the specific business functionality required of a web site. The basic idea of application servers is to isolate the business application from the details of displaying web page to users on the front end and the details of connecting to database on the back end.
Application servers and their function :
Application server | Functionality |
Catalog display | Provides a database for product descriptions and prices accepts order and clears payment |
Transaction processing | Accepts order and clears payment |
List server | Creates and server mailing lists and anages e-mail marketing campaigns |
Proxy server | Monitors and contents acess to main web server implements firewall protection |
Mail server | Manages internet e-mail |
Audio/video server | Stores and delivers streaming media content |
Chat server | Creates an enviroments for on line real time text and audio interactions with customers |
News server | Provides connectivity and display internet news feeds |
Fax server | Provides fax receiption and sending using a web server |
Groupware server | Creates workgroup enfiroments for on-line collaboration |
Database server | Store customer, product and price information |
E-commerce merchant server software functionality
E-commerce merchant server software provides the basic functionalty needed for online sales, including an online catalog, order taking via online shopping cart, and online credit card proccesing.
Merchant server software packages (e-commerce suites)
Merchant server software package offers an integrated environment that provides most or all of the functionality and capabilities needed to develop a sophisticated, customer-centric site.
Choosing an e-commerce suite
The following are some of the key factors to choosing an e-commerce suite :
v Functionality
v Support for different business models
v Business process mdelin tools
v Visual site management tools and reporting
v Performance and scalability
v Connectivity to existing business systems
v Compliance with standards
v Global and multicultural capability
v Local sales tax and shipping rules
4.3. Choosing the Hardware for An E-Commerce Site
Hardware platform refers to all the underlying computing equipment that the system users to achieve e-commerce functionality. Objective to have enough platform capacity to meet peak demand but not so much that you are wasting money. Important to understand the different factors that affect speed, capacity and scalability of a site.
Right-Sizing Your Hardware Platform: The Demand Side
Demand that customers put on a site the most important factor affecting the speed of a site. Factors involved in demand include:
§ Number of simultaneous users in peak periods
§ Nature of customer requests (user profile)
§ Type of content (dynamic versus static Web pages)
§ Required security
§ Number of items in inventory
§ Number of page requests
§ Speed of legacy applications
Right-Sizing Your Hardware Platform: The Supply Side
Scalability refers to the ability of a site to increase in size as demand warrants
Ways to scale hardware:
§ Vertically: increase the processing power of individual components
§ Horizontally: employ multiple computers to share the workload
§ Improve processing architecture : is a combination of vertical and horizontal scaling, combined with artiful design decisions.
Improving the processing architecture of your site :
Architecture improvement | Dscription |
Separate static content from dynamic content | Use speciallized servers for each type of workload |
Cache static content | Increase RAM to the gigabyte range and store static concent in RAM |
Cache database lookup tables | Cache tables used to look up database records |
Consolidate business logic on dedicated servers | Put shopping cart, credit card processing and other CPU-intensive activity on dedicated servers. |
Optimize ASP code | Examine your code to unsure it is operating efficiently |
Optimize the database schema | Examine your database search times and take steps to reduce access times |
4.4. Other E-commerce site tools
Now that you understand the key factors that affect the speed, caability, and scalability of your site, we can consider some other imprortant requirements for your web site.You will need a coherent web site design effort that makes business sense-not necessarily a site to wow visitors or excite them, but to sell the something.
Web Site Design: Basic Business Considerations
To achieve basic business functionality of a Web site, need to be aware of design guidelines and software tools that can build active content and functionality.Poorly designed Web sites drive customers away.
The eight most important factors in successful e-commerce site design :
Factor | Description |
Functionality | Pages that work, load quickly, and point the customer toward your product offerings |
Informational | Links that customers can easily fnd to discover more about you and your product |
Ease of use | Simple fool proof navigation |
Redundant navigation | Alternative Navigation to the same content |
Ease of purchase | One or two clikcs to purchase |
Multi browser functionality | Site works with the most popular browsers |
Simple graphics | Avoids distracting,obnoxious graphics and sound that the user cannot control |
Legible text | Avoids backgrounds that distort text or make it illegible |
Tools for Interactivity and Active Content
v CGI (Common Gateway Interface): Set of standards for communication between a browser and a program running on a server that allows for interaction between the user and the server
v ASP (Active Server Pages): Enables programmers using Microsoft’s IIS package to build dynamic pages
v Java: Allows programmers to create interactivity and active content on the client computer
v JSP (Java Server Pages): Similar to CGI and ASP; allows developers to use a combination of HTML, JSP scripts and Java to dynamically generate Web pages in response to user requests
v JavaScript: Programming language invented by Netscape that is used to control objects on a Web page and handle interactions with browser
v ActiveX: Programming language invented by Microsoft to compete with Java
v VBScript: Programming language invented by Microsoft to compete with JavaScript
v ColdFusion: An integrated server-side environment for developing interactive Web applications f
Personalization Tools
Personalization is Ability to treat people based on their personal qualities and prior history with your site. Customization is Ability to change the product to better fit the needs of the customer. Cookies the primary method for achieving personalization and customization.
The Information Policy Set
Privacy policy: Set of public statements declaring how site will treat customers’ personal information that is gathered by site. Accessibility rules: Set of design objectives that ensure disabled users can affectively access site.